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Gender Equality

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Since the IV World Conference on Women in 1995, the international cooperation agenda has promoted the application of gender perspectives in transversal public policies across social and political life with the purpose of reducing the barriers faced by women for equitable access to positions of power, jobs and pay levels for equal tasks (UNW, 2021).

According to recent Eurostat studies, the gender pay gap in the EU remains at 14.1%, which is 50% less than the average salary gap observed in developing countries.

Currently, women tend to receive more modest research grants than their male colleagues and, although they represent 33.3% of all researchers, only 12% of the members of national scientific academies are women. Within STEM areas, only one in five professionals (22%) is a woman (UNW, ITU, 2022, WEF, 2021).

The evolution of gender gaps in four dimensions: economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival, and political empowerment shows that progress in the last 10 years in the gender equality agenda has been significant, but it is still insufficient.


Here you will find some of the recent projects, publications and activities from our network that provide useful evidence for the effective design of public policies to address gender disparities.

Here we share some of the most recent publications, projects and activities by CAGG network about the subject:

CIPPEC: Campaña de concientización por el día nacional de los derechos políticos de la mujer 

CIPPEC: Mujeres en ciencia y tecnología: cómo derribar las paredes de cristal en América Latina

CIPPEC: Webinar “Las brechas de género en STEM en Chile y Colombia”

Vetor Brasil: Por um setor publico efetivo e representativo com diversidade equidade e inclusao

Instituto Millenium: Desigualdade de gênero diminui um pouco

Instituto Millenium: Desigualdade de gênero custa US$ 12 trilhões à economia mundial

Fedesarrollo: Empoderamiento de la Mujer: Mediciones y Políticas desde los Sectores público y privado.

Asuntos del Sur: Ubanismo con perspectiva de genero

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