CAGG is continuing to expand institutional links with think tanks and CSOs on the African continent to strengthen cooperation mechanisms in the global south. This is being done with funding from European cooperation.
Signing of the CAGG KIPPRA cooperation framework agreement CAGG KIPPRA Kenya: Resumen | LinkedIn

In March, we held meetings to explore institutional synergies and sign a cooperation agreement with Ekiud Moyi, Deputy Director of the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA).
KIPPRA – The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis is a prestigious think tank in Kenya and the East African region, known for conducting high-quality analysis on key public policy issues and contributing to the achievement of long-term development goals.
KIPPRA leads the work agenda in Kenya and other East African countries, which includes disseminating public policy recommendations and training policy analysts in the public sector.

Welcome KIPPRA, the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, to our network of international cooperation for the Global South!
CAGG's participation in Funds Week organized by Incubadora CON VALORES: Resumen | LinkedIn
Gonzalo Diéguez, the executive director of CAGG, participated in the institutional fund management conference for European and multilateral cooperation organized by CON VALORES Hub.
The conference was attended by 32 experts from 22 countries and more than 1100 civil society organizations from 83 countries.

Con Valores Hub's Funding Week brought together a diverse global community to explore funding opportunities and foster meaningful connections with countries in the global south.
During the event, CSO grantees from Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America shared their experiences and lessons learned in obtaining and managing projects with funds provided by European and multilateral cooperation.
We also met with Andrea Platero Latorre executive director to discuss ways to involve more tahn 30 CAGG's institutional partners in Latin America and Africa in the upcoming conference.
We had a meeting with Tianze Shan, a member of SCLA: Resumen | LinkedIn member executive committee, to discuss involving CAGG in co- leading the second edition of the AI for Developing Countries Forum - 2024: Equal Access to Law AI FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES FORUM – 2024: EQUAL ACCESS TO LAW ( at the United Nations Palace in Geneva.
During the meeting, we discussed ways to involve leaders and specialists from social organizations and think tanks in the global south, particularly from Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa, as speakers.

The second forum will mainly focus on analyzing the context of the official presentation of the new EU regulatory regulation on the development and use of artificial intelligence technologies. Additionally, it will cover the view from the global south regarding applicability gaps and regulatory gaps for implementation.

The 2024 edition of the International Executive Program in Digital Transformation and Innovation, as well as the new Executive Program in Sustainability, are aimed at senior officials and CSO leaders in Ibero-America.
We discussed these programs during our meeting with Andres Sarache Bujana, Strategic Programming Executive of CAF CAF -banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe-: Resumen | LinkedIn to explore CAF's collaboration and institutional involvement in the two international executive programs that we will co-organizing with CAGG in Madrid during September and October. Instituto de Investigación y Educación Económica and FUNDACIÓN ORTEGA-MARAÑÓN will also be involved.

Meeting with University of Buenos Aires authorities regarding the UBA Ambassadors Program

We had a working meeting with Marina Saulo, Undersecretary of International Academic Relations at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires Facultad de Ciencias Económicas UBA: Resumen | LinkedIn, to explore institutional synergies with CAGG regarding the Erasmus program for cooperation and exchange of university capacities.

We will also work to expand the UBAinciativa ambassadors program, which is currently implemented in eight European universities across countries such as Spain, France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands.