Center for Advocacy and Global Growth Founder and Director of Strategy Philip Ibrahim Khan met last week in Dar es Salaam (hashtag#Tanzania) with authorities from REPOA to discuss their research agenda for 2025 and potential avenues for collaboration on initiatives aimed at poverty alleviation.
The Research on Poverty Alleviation Programme (REPOA) was established in 1994 and has since become a preeminent research institution in the Central African region. It is renowned for its production and dissemination of knowledge that enhances the quality of life of individuals and influences socio-economic policies in Tanzania.
With over three decades of experience in managing European cooperation funds REPOA has a team of over 70 professionals. (
We would like to extend our gratitude to Dr. Donald Mmari REPOA's Executive Director, and Dr.Lucas Katera, Director of Partnerships and Capacity Building, for graciously hosting the meeting. We are truly enthusiastic about the prospect of collaborating on several projects in 2025.