On october in Madrid, we had the pleasure of accompanying @FUNDACIÓN ORTEGA-MARAÑÓN and @Instituto de Investigación y Educación Económica in the inaugural edition of the international executive programme on sustainability, held at the heart of decision-making.
In collaboration with professionals from Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Peru and Spain, we shared and learned effective practices that extend beyond social responsibility in the implementation of the SDGs. Federico Buyolo, Veronica Scutella, Ricardo García-Vegas.
Actualy the main objective of public and private organisations is no longer solely to maximise profits. They also aim to do so in a way that benefits the environment, society and the economy in a systemic and continuous way.
During our time in Madrid, we sought to identify potential avenues for collaboration with institutional partners, with a view to expanding Ibero-American cooperation.
We engaged with representatives from Fundación Carolina, Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos -OEI- FIIAPP, Barrabés.biz, SEGIB, Col-lab and Colegio Mayor Argentino en Madrid y Colegio Mayor Argentino - Residencia Universitaria en Madrid.
In addition, we would like to express our gratitude to Andrés Delich, Tobias Jung Altrogge, J. Alejandro Kawabata, Vicente Palacios Antolin, María Florencia Alvarez Travieso, Hugo Camacho, Erika Maria Rodriguez Pinzon, Juan Martin Vila and Enrique Coronas for their contributions to the meetings, suggestions and support.